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Wrights of Glasgow

Celebrating Craft skills at the Choosing Dinner

Celebrating Craft skills at the Choosing Dinner

21st of December, 2022

The Deacon’s choosing dinner is the first formal dinner to welcome the new Deacon and to congratulate this years very skilled and talented prize winners from Glasgow City College. 

This years choosing dinner was hosted by Don McKillop who shared this dinner with Late Deacon Gillian Christiansen, who due to lockdown restrictions was unable to host her own choosing dinner 2021.

Trumpeters George Fleming announced the Top Table procession.  Auld Deacon Stewart  piped in the Deacon, Deacon Convener, Bruce Reidford, Collector of the House Ewen Mackie, Late Deacon Gillian Christiansen, Past Deacon Shirin Parsno, past Deacon Colin Botfield, Tom Monteith and members of the chain gang together with distinguished guests were lead to their respective seats

After an enjoyable dinner with music by pianist Sheena Crichton and numerous toasts, rights  and lefts.

The Deacon then presented an overview of our involvement with the City of Glasgow College and introduced Auld Deacon John Walker Director of Education. He expanded upon the support given to the  students and then handed over to George MacNeilie. BA. the Curriculum  Head of Faculty of  Creative Industries, Furniture & Art Glass at the City of Glasgow College who gave a little background history on each of them.

It was very interesting to note that most of the prize winners had changed direction from their original job, career or studies.

Each student were congratulated by the Late Deacon, Deacon, John Walker and received their certificates and monetary prizes.

It is with pride that we continue to support the talent and future of the craft.

There was a short interval which provided an opportunity for all those present to view the quality and skill displayed in the outstanding prize winning pieces.

After the interval speeches from Past Deacon Shirin Parsno on the soul of Trades House;

she then proposed a toast to it. The reply to the toast was made by the Deacon Convener Bruce Reidford.

A further speech, aptly about the City of Glasgow was presented by Past Deacon Colin Botfield who then proposed a toast to it. Bailie Hanif Raja from the City of Glasgow who, responded in a fine manner.

The speeches and toasts were interrupted by visiting deputations from the Incorporation of Maltmen and then from the Incorporation of Masons.

Photographed below Deacon Don McKillop, Collector Jacqui Sayer-Noble and the six  Prize winners. Images Courtesy of George Mahoney.



The Curriculum Head has given permission for us to display a photo of the winning pieces shown below.


Louise Howe                    

Interfaced Chair with Wooden Arms



Gregor Black

 Wooden Bench with Ladder Back


Agata Bula

 3 Drawer Cabinet


Ross Blacklock

Circular Cupboard


Andrew Dempster

 Small table with Tapered Legs


Kim Blythe

Easter Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

The Deacon has chosen Erskine and Tall Ships as his desired charities to be supported during his year in office.

At this dinner our raffle raised £1,025 in support of Erskine (ERMAC).

We would like to thank our visitors from the Incorporations of Masons and Maltmen for attending and supporting us and for their their thoughtful and entertaining gifts.

It was a very enjoyable and entertaining evening.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported this evening 

Our next formal evening The Box Opening Dinner is scheduled to take place in  May 2023, further details will be published in the New Year.