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30th of October, 2023

DEACON’S CHOOSING DINNER 2023   This years Choosing dinner was hosted by Stephen Osborne, the crafts new Deacon.The dinner was held in the held in the beautiful GrandHall that bears a unique hand painted ...

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Change of Deacon and Collector

25th of September, 2023

At the AGM held on Friday 22nd September at Trades House, our New Deacon Stephen Osborne and New Collector Judy Tayler-Smith were appointed and sworn in to their new positions.   

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Worshipful Company of Basket Makers Dinner

8th of August, 2023

On Wednesday 26th July 2023, Deacon Don McKillop and Collector Jacqui Sayer-Noble were invited as guests of Judy Tayler- Smith, to attend her Trade Dinner as Prime Warden of the Worshipful Company of Basket Makers, held at Pewters Hall, London.&nb...

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