0141 370 0900 [email protected]
Wrights of Glasgow

Work with us

The Wrights are firmly focused on helping the people of Glasgow, as we have been for hundreds of years. We are one of the largest organisations of our kind in the country, and with the continued support of our members and friends we will continue to fulfil our purpose far into the future.

There are many ways to lend your support:

Partnerships: We are always delighted to hear from like-minded organisations with a great idea or cause in mind. If you would like to help or feel we can offer support, please get in touch.

Fundraising: Whether you are planning to run a marathon or a coffee morning, it would be wonderful if you decided to do it in aid of the Wrights.

Donations: If you would like to make a charitable donation, please contact our Clerk.

Legacies: Over the years many people have benefitted from the generosity of members who have remembered the Incorporation of Wrights in their will. Leaving a gift in your will help us to continue our work for years to come.

Contact the Clerk on [email protected] who will be able to let you have more details as well as a Gift Aid form (if applicable).

Wrights of Glasgow