0141 370 0900 [email protected]
Wrights of Glasgow


Deacon's Choosing Dinner

The highlight of our social calendar, the dinner marks the choosing of the new Deacon, bringing together friends to enjoy good food, music and laughter in the magnificent Grand Hall at Trades House. Kindred organisations join us to celebrate our craft and our shared affection for the great city of Glasgow. 

We also raise a glass to our unique traditions. These include our “rights and lefts” - impromptu toasts from the assembled company to the Deacon and guests. We enjoy visits from fellow Incorporations, who exchange gifts and sing to us, competing for the coveted Trades House wooden spoon. And we close the evening by “rapping the shed” – a rat-a-tat with a wooden ruler that once signalled the end of the day’s work for every carpenter in the city.

Wrights of Glasgow

Box Opening and Dinner

Our Wrights boxes once stored all our documents and money, and the Master Court met every year to conduct an audit. Since the 1800s these gatherings have been ceremonial, and now all Wrights are welcome to attend. Deacons place a memento in the box to mark their year in office and everyone enjoys a celebratory dinner.

Wrights of Glasgow

Trades House in London Dinner

First held in 2017, the annual dinner celebrates the close links between Trades House and the City of London. Many Wrights are members of City Livery Companies and The Guild of Freemen of the City of London.

Wrights are also welcome to attend a variety of Trades House events, which can range from Burns Suppers to concerts, business talks and fashion shows. We field teams to compete with fellow Incorporations in sports including golf, fishing and curling.